
About Marie
Happy wife to Steve and mom to our sweet little boys, Lucas (4), Tyler (2), and a third boy on the way! We live in central Illinois where my husband works for their family business and I am a mostly-stay-at-home mom, with a few hours tutoring here and there. I'm also involved in the Behold Conference as the Director of Marketing, and I am on the leadership team of a Catholic women's group called First Saturday. In my spare time you'll find me curled up with a book, baking, gardening, or just plain catching up on sleep!

I also posted an intro here.

About This Blog
After several years of reading blogs and dabbling in blogging myself - mostly stories about my kids, and a fair amount of rambling on about my own opinions - I felt a strong call to make a more serious effort and start a new blog that would be focused not on me but on my vocation as a wife and mother. This blog is meant to bring you encouragement and joy, and to bring me a little free therapy in the form of writing. ;)

"Help Them to Heaven" is a title that came to me one night when I was pondering the duties of my vocation. I realized that my primary purpose as a wife and mother is not simply to provide my family with good meals and a clean house. It is not even to make sure they felt loved and cared for. The primary role of a Catholic wife and mother is to help her husband and children on their journey to heaven.

The other duties are certainly a part of your vocation, and if ignored will make things pretty difficult - so we won't ignore them here either. We will talk about laundry and discipline, share recipes and book recommendations, and offer advice on a variety of issues related to marriage and motherhood. But most of all we will support one another as we "Help Them to Heaven."

You can contact me by email at

You can also read my first post, which tells a little more about what this blog is all about.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy this little peek into my life!

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